Instructor: Dr. Joseph Caddell Office: SCC 333



§ 5978

Discussion: Th 1:15 – 2:05 SCC 351


§ 5979

Discussion: T 1:15 – 2:05 SCC 351


§ 5980

Discussion: M 10:30 – 11:20 SCC 305

Final Exam: Tuesday 12/8/2015 1:00 – 3:50 SCC 351 § 5978 & § 5979 (together)

Monday 12/7/2015 10:00 - 12:50 SCC 305 § 5980

Required Materials

TextbookSame as Chem 143


Final Exam – 100%

Grading Scheme

A = 90% - 100%

B = 80% - 89%

C = 70% - 79%

D = 60% - 69%

F = 0 – 59%

Assignments may include handouts, web assignments, textbook problems, written assignments (papers or reports), quizzes, and in class assignments. It is the student's responsibility to make sure that they have turned in all assignments on time.

Attendance/Drop Policy

Any student not attending either of the first two lectures may be dropped as a no-show unless they contact me before the second lecture. Any student who attends the first or second lecture might not be dropped by me. This means that if you come to class for either of the first two lectures and do not want to take the class you must drop it yourself. If you are given an add card by me you must use it before the census date or you will not be allowed in the class. Any student who misses an exam without letting me know may be dropped.

Students With Disabilities

If you have any disability that needs accommodation let me know as soon as possible. Once you let me know I will gladly do everything I can to assist you, as long as you can still complete the requirements for the class.

Late/Missed Assignments

A make-up exam will not be given. An exam may be taken earlier than the scheduled date only under extraordinary conditions and by arrangement with the instructor. Your score on the final exam is your grade for the course. An excused absence from an exam is an absence that the student has cleared with the instructor before the exam date. This will only happen if the excuse is a very good, documented excuse.

Academic Dishonesty

If you are caught cheating on any part of this course you will receive a zero (0) for the assignment you cheat on. I will also report the incident to the dean of the division as well as the dean of students. You may not make up any work you cheat on. If you are caught cheating on a midterm I will not replace that score with your score on the final exam. Cheating includes, but is not limited to copying work from anyone, falsifying a laboratory report, using a cell phone (for any purpose) during an exam, having or using any source of information not specifically allowed by me during any exam, turning in work that you did not do, looking at someone else’s paper during an exam, changing an answer on your exam after it has been turned in, or communicating in any way with anyone other than me during an exam.

Cell Phones

Make absolutely sure that you turn off all cell phones before you come into the classroom. If you must be in contact you may keep your cell phone on in silent mode only. If you get a call you must leave the room in order to take it. Please do not talk on your phone during our lecture. NO CELL PHONES ARE ALLOWED DURING EXAMS. IF I FIND YOU USING A CELL PHONE DURING AN EXAM IT WILL BE CONSIDERED CHEATING AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A 0 (ZERO) FOR THAT EXAM.

Success in Chemistry

Come to class. Be conscious during class. Be prepared for class (read the chapter before we go over it in class). Listen during class. Participate in the class. Take good notes during class. There is a clear correlation between these activities and understanding the material well enough to earn a good grade in the class.

Just like any other endeavor the more you practice the better you get. A good portion of your grade comes from the midterm exams and the final exam. In chemistry, practice means doing the homework problems. Go through and do all of the homework problems without looking at anything else, not your notes, not the text, not the solutions manual. When you get stuck and cannot finish a problem, then, and only then, go to other sources such as your notes, the text, or the solutions manual to get only as much information as you need to get over the barrier. Finish the problem the rest of the way without looking at anything. Do every single homework problem in that manner. Then go back, start at the beginning and do the same thing, going all the way through. Keep doing this until you can go through every single homework problem without looking at anything else.


Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student should be prepared to:

Solve abstract and complex chemical problems as related to concepts and problem solving in CHEM 143.

Apply the principles of dimensional analysis to unit conversions.

Understand uncertainty in measurements by using significant figures.

Use scientific notation to represent very large and very small numbers.

Name binary compounds consisting of metals and nonmetals and two nonmetals and compounds containing polyatomic ions.

Calculate and use density.

Balance and classify chemical reactions.

Convert between grams and moles and number of atoms or molecules.

Use stoichiometry to determine the amount of a substance needed or produced.

Calculate concentration of solutions and dilutions.