HOMEChem 101Sample Pre-lab



Instructor: Dr. Joseph Caddell                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Office: SCC 333

Email: Chem101@caddell.org                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Phone: 209-575-6810

Office Hours:  M 8:00 - 10:30, TWTh  7:55 - 8:25, F 8:30 - 9:30


Lecture: MW 11:40 – 1:05 SCC 114


§ 2208
Discussion: Th
8:25 – 9:30 SCC 305

Laboratory T 8:25 - 11:30 SCC 313


§ 2209

Discussion: F 9:35 – 10:40 SCC 305

Laboratory: F 10:50 – 1:55 SCC 313

 Final Exam: Wednesday 12/9/2015 10:00am – 12:50pm SCC 114

Required Materials

Textbook –CHEMISTRY AN ATOMS FIRST APPROACH First Edition by Zumdahl and Zumdahl

Laboratory Materials – Paper Towels, Liquid Detergent, Goggles (available in bookstore)

Recommended Materials

Lab Coat


Midterm Exams (3) – 60% (20% each)

Homework Quizzes – 15%

Final Exam – 10%

Lab – 15%

I will replace your lowest exam score, if and only if you take all midterms, by your percentage score on the final exam if it is higher than your lowest exam score.  Otherwise no exam grades will be dropped.


Grading Scheme

A = 90% - 100%

B = 80% - 89%

C = 70% - 79%

D = 60% - 69%

F = 0 – 59%

Assignments may include handouts, web assignments, textbook problems, and in class assignments.  It is the student's responsibility to make sure that they have turned in all assignments on time.

 Regardless of scores received on any other material, if a student misses 3 or more laboratory sessions that student will fail the course.

Attendance/Drop Policy

Any student not attending class or laboratory the first 2 weeks of school may be dropped as a no-show unless they contact me ahead of time.  However, do not count on me to drop you.  If you plan to drop it is your responsibility to do so.  If you are given an add card/code by me you must use it before the next lecture or you will not be allowed in the class.  Any student who misses an exam or laboratory without notifying me may be dropped from the course.

Academic Dishonesty

If you are caught cheating on any part of this course you will receive a zero (0) for the assignment you cheat on.  I will also report the incident to the dean of the division as well as the dean of students.  You may not make up any work you cheat on.  If you are caught cheating on a midterm I will not replace that score with your score on the final exam.  Cheating includes, but is not limited to copying work from anyone, falsifying a laboratory report, using a cell phone (for any purpose) during an exam, having or using any source of information not specifically allowed by me during any exam, turning in work that you did not do, looking at someone else’s paper during an exam, changing an answer on your exam after it has been turned in, or communicating in any way with anyone other than me during an exam.

Students With Disabilities

If you have any disability that needs accommodation you must let me know within the first week of class or when you first find out. Once you let me know I will gladly do everything I can to assist you, as long as you can still complete the requirements for the class.


Late/Missed Assignments

Make-up exams/quizzes will not be given.  Your score on the final exam may be substituted for your lowest exam score or an excused absence from an exam.  An excused absence from an exam is an absence that the student has cleared with the instructor before the exam date.  This will only happen if the excuse is a very good, documented excuse. If you miss a homework quiz your score on that quiz will be a zero (0).  I will drop your lowest homework quiz.

Homework Quizzes

There will be a quiz based on the homework on most Wednesday's that we do not have an exam.  See the schedule on the QUIZ SCHEDULE PAGE for dates and homework problems to study.  The quizzes will be based on the assigned homework for that week.  The quizzes will be given during the first ten minutes of lecture.  If you are late you will not get extra time to take the quiz, your time will end at the same time as the rest of the class.  There are no make-up quizzes, but I will drop your one lowest quiz (and only one).  If you miss a quiz, your score for that quiz is a zero (0).  There will be no quizzes on exam days.

Lab Work

Labs may not be made up!  If you miss a laboratory your score on that lab will be a zero (0).  If you miss 3 or more laboratories you will recieve a grade of F for the courseThe pre-laboratory write-up must be done before the beginning of lab.  If you come to lab without the pre-lab done you will not be allowed to do that lab and will receive a zero (0) for that lab.  If you are more than 10 minutes late for the lab you will not be allowed to do that lab   Lab write-ups are due at the end of the lab unless it is an especially long lab, in which case I will let you know when the lab is due.  If this happens, my initials are required on your work before you leave the lab.  No unauthorized experiments are allowed.  You must follow the safety rules (see handout) at all times.  Failure to do so may result in you being asked to leave the laboratory.  If this happens your grade for that lab will be a zero (0).

If the laboratory is not clean including the back counter, balances, and lids on all chemicals,  at the end of the

laboratory period, everyone in that laboratory will have 20 percent deducted from their grade for that


Lab Reports

The pre-lab must be typed and printed out. 

For each lab that we do you are required to have the entire pre-lab written before the start of lab, unless I tell you otherwise.   

If you have not completed the pre-lab before lab starts you will not be allowed to do that lab. 

You will fill in the data table with data and observations as you do the lab. 

You will perform the calculations with the relevant data and get the resulting answers. 

You will type the calculations and conclusion, also filling in the data tables (unless I say otherwise). 

The labs will be submitted online, thrugh Canvas.  You will type up the lab and save it as either a Word file of a .pdf fle, then submit that file on Canvas.



The Pre-Lab Section must include (in this exact order):

The Title is the exact name of the experiment as shown on the syllabus.

The Purpose is where you state the question or questions that the laboratory experiment is trying to answer.  One sentence for each question is normally sufficient.

The Procedure In your own words write a procedure, in outline or flow-chart form only, that you will follow during the lab.  The standard is that any other student in the class should be able to follow your procedure and successfully complete the experiment.

Table of Constants Set up a table (including a box around it) with a list of all constants you will need for the lab or calculations.  Do not put unnecessary constants in here.  Make sure to include units.

Data Table Set up a table (including a box around it) that has a blank plus units for every piece of raw data you will collect in the lab.  Do not include the results of any                                                                                       calculations.      

THE REST OF THE LAB REPORT INCLUDES:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Calculations This is where you show all calculations.  YOU MUST SHOW ALL WORK, INCLUDING UNITS AND SIGNIFICANT FIGURES to receive credit.

The Conclusion is a paragraph where you give the answer to the question or questions that were asked in the purpose section.  Use your data to support your conclusion.  If there was an unknown make sure to include the unknown number here as well as in the data table.

Cell Phones

Make absolutely sure that you turn off all cell phones before you come into the classroom.  If you must be in contact you may keep your cell phone on in silent mode only.  If you get a call you must leave the room in order to take it.  Please do not talk on your phone during our lecture.  No cell phones are allowed out during exams.  Violation of this rule will be deemed cheating, no exceptions.

Success in Chemistry

Come to class.  Be conscious during class.  Be prepared for class (read the chapter before we go over it in class).  Listen during class.  Participate in the class.  Take good notes during class.    DO THE HOMEWORK!  There is a clear correlation between these activities and understanding the material well enough to earn a good grade in the class. 

Just like any other endeavor the more you practice the better you get.  A good portion of your grade comes from the midterm exams and the final exam.  In chemistry, practice means doing the homework problems. Go through and do all of the homework problems without looking at anything else, not your notes, not the text, not the solutions manual.  When you get stuck and cannot finish a problem, then, and only then, go to other sources to get over the barrier.  Finish the problem the rest of the way without looking at the solution.  Do every single homework problem in that manner.  Then go back, start at the beginning and do the same thing, going all the way through.  Keep doing this until you can go through every single homework problem without looking at the solution. 



Chem 101—General Chemistry 1 5 Units 54 Lecture hours, 72 Lab hours, 18 Discussion hours

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of MATH 90 or qualification by the MJC assessment process. 

Recommended for Success: Before enrolling in this course, students are strongly advised to complete CHEM 142 with a grade of C or better or complete High School Chemistry with a grade of B or better. 

Principles of chemistry emphasizing measurements and significant figures, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, gas laws and theory, thermodynamics, atomic structure and quantum mechanics, periodic properties, chemical bonding, molecular structure, intermolecular attractions and properties of liquids and solids, and properties of solutions. (A-F or P/NP) Lecture/ Lab /Discussion. Transfer: (CSU, UC) General Education: (MJC-GE:A)(CSU-GE: B1, B3) (IGETC: 5A, 5C)


Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student should be prepared to:

1. Solve abstract and complex multi-variable chemical problems using general chemistry concepts and theories.

2. Describe key events in the development of chemistry (atomic structure, quantum theory, molecular structure and bonding, and/or stoichiometry) and theories.

3. Identify and use chemical laboratory equipment and instrumentation to quantitatively and/or qualitatively determine an unknown.

This course also meets the General Education requirement for Area A - Natural Sciences. So in addition to the specific course learning outcomes listed above, as a result of satisfactory completion of this course, the student should be prepared to:

1. Demonstrate proficiency in NATURAL SCIENCE by describing how scientific discoveries and theories affect human activities.

2. Demonstrate proficiency in NATURAL SCIENCE by explaining how the scientific method is used to solve problems.


  1. Name and write the formula for binary ionic compounds, ionic compounds containing polyatomic ions, binary covalent compounds and acids.
  2. Understand uncertainty in measurements by using significant figures.
  3. Solve complex problems using the principles of dimensional analysis.
  4. Describe the development of the atomic theory and determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons. Calculate the atomic weight of an element using the natural abundance.
  5. Determine the key components of the periodic table and understand the periodic trends of effective nuclear charge, atomic and ionic size, ionization energies, electron affinities and properties of the elements.
  6. Demonstrate understanding of the nature of waves and the concept of quantized energy. Solve problems using the Bohr model of the atom. Understand and apply the theories of Schrodinger, Hund and Pauli. Write electron configuration and orbital diagrams for elements.
  7. Balance and identify products in chemical reactions using the concepts of synthesis, decomposition, double-replacement, single-replacement and combustion.
  8. Determine if a substance is an strong electrotype , weak electrolyte or nonelectrolyte. Predict the products, balance and write the molecular, total ionic and net ionic equations.
  9. Understand chemical energy and solve problems using the first law of thermodynamics.
  10. Define terms related to first law of thermodynamics. Employ the concept of state functions to solve thermochemical problems. Solve quantitative problems by the use of Hess’s Law. Demonstrate understanding of the concept of calorimetry by solving appropriate thermochemical problems.
  11. Find the percent composition of elements in a compound.
  12. Determine the empirical formula using percent by mass and combustion analysis.
  13. Use the concepts of stoichiometry and limiting reactant to solve complex chemical problems.
  14. Describe the characteristic properties of the gaseous state. Demonstrate understanding of the concept of gas pressure by providing verbal descriptions and solving quantitative problems. Provide definitions of the following gas laws: Boyle’s Law, Gay-Lussac's Law, Charles’s Law and Avagadro’s Hypothesis and also solve quantitative problems that relate to these laws. Solve quantitative problems related to the Ideal Gas Equation. Solve quantitative problems employing Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures. Define the terms effusion and diffusion; solve quantitative problems involving these concepts. Demonstrate understanding of the concept of Kinetic Molecular Theory by relating these concepts to observable gas properties. Use the van der Waals Equation to predict the properties of real gases. Demonstrate an understanding of the van der Waals constants.
  15. Draw correct Lewis structures for elements and ions including those that violate the octet rule. Predict relative values of lattice energy for ionic compounds. Provide (draw) correct Lewis structures for molecules and ions. Predict the relative bond polarity for atoms connected by covalent bonds. Explain the concept of electronegativity and apply this principle to the determination of the polarity of chemical bonds and molecules. Provide resonance structures for ions and molecules. Use bond enthalpies to estimate enthalpy changes for chemical reactions.
  16. Employ VSEPR theory to predict the geometry and shape of molecules and ions. Define the concept of valence bond theory and use valence bond theory and the concept of orbital hybridization to describe the bonding patterns in molecules and ions. Employ molecular orbital theory to predict the bond order in binary molecules.
  17. Compare and contrast the differences between the solid, liquid and gaseous phases of matter. Identify the three types of intermolecular forces and, by inspection of chemical structures, predict which of these forces will be present in a particular molecule
  18. Perform calculations based upon the unit cell of a crystalline solid metal or ionic solid that exhibit a simple cubic, face-centered cubic, or body-centered cubic unit cell.
  19. Solve complex problems involving solutions, molarity and dilution.
1. Demonstrate safe practice in the chemistry laboratory, including measures to prevent/control fire, explosion, contact with and/or intake of hazardous chemicals or fumes.
2. Compare and determine the accuracy and precision of different measuring devises and record data to correct significant figures.
3. Demonstrate the capacity to perform basic separation techniques such as: evaporation, gravity filtration, vacuum filtration chromatography, and/or distillation.
4. Determine the percent yield and/or recovery based on the theoretical yield, including examples of limiting reactant.
5. Classify and balance reactions based on observations. This will include predicting products and writing the net ionic equations.
6. Demonstrate the capacity to perform a titration, including standardization, using the stoichiometry of the equation to calculate an unknown quantity.
7. Demonstrate understanding of gas law principles.
        Observation of laboratory technique and safety
        Laboratory reports required after completion of each experiment


Tentative Lecture Schedule and Reading




Chapter R


Chapter R


Chapter 1
9/2/15 Chapter 1


NO CLASS (Labor Day)


Chapter 2


Chapter 2


Chapter 3 & 10.3
9/21/15 Chapter 3 & 10.3


EXAM 1 (Chapters R-2)
9/28/15 Chapter 4
9/30/15 Chapter 4
10/5/15 Chapter 5
10/7/15 Chapter 5
10/12/15 Chapter 5
10/14/15 Chapter 6 & 10.11
10/19/15 Chapter 6 & 10.11
Chapter 7
10/26/15 Chapter 7
10/28/15 EXAM 2 (Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 10.3, & 10.11)
11/2/15 Chapter 8
11/4/15 Chapter 8
11/9/15 Chapter 9
11/11/15 NO CLASS (Veteran's Day)
11/16/15 Chapter 9
11/18/15 Chapter 10
11/23/15 Chapter 10
11/25/15 Chapter 11
11/30/15 Chapter 11
12/2/15 EXAM 3 (Chapters 7, 8, 9, & 10)
12/9/15 FINAL EXAM  (Chapters 1-11) 10:00-12:50


Tentative Laboratory Schedule

Dates Experiment
8/24/15 - 8/28/15
8/31/15 - 9/4/15
Locker Check-in/Assessment*
9/7/15 - 9/11/15
Density Lab (Handout)
9/14/15 - 9/18/15
Determination of the Mass % NaCl Using a Standard Curve(Handout)
9/21/15 - 9/25/15
A Cycle of Copper Reactions (Handout)
9/28/15 - 10/2/15
Laser Diffraction and Nanoparticles: Measuring Really Small Things (Handout)
10/5/15 - 10/9/15
Determination of Empirical Formulas (Handout)
10/12/15 - 10/16/15
Gravimetric Analysis (Handout)
10/19/15 - 10/23/15
Spectroscopy (Handout)
10/26/15 - 10/30/15
Acid-Base Titrations (Handout)
11/2/15 - 11/6/15
Thermochemistry (Handout)
11/9/15 - 11/13/15
Gas Law (Handout)
11/16/15 - 11/20/15
Experimental Determination of an Activity Series (Handout)
11/23/15 - 11/27/15
NO LAB (Thanksgiving)
11/30/15 - 12/4/15
Locker Check-out

* Make sure to bring a scantron 882 form, your calculator, and a pencil to lab for the assessment test